The Russetts, Hawkhurst, Kent

Dandara entered an option agreement on part of this 15-acre site within the High Weald AONB in 2016 and following successful promotion to the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC) local plan process, achieved draft allocation. In 2020, Dandara novated an option agreement on the neighbouring land and gained control over the whole site. This was supported by TWBC, and a combined allocation was included within the submission local plan.

An application for 71 new homes and significant open space was submitted in 2020, but despite having a recommendation for approval from the Planning Officer, it was refused by Committee in 2021. Dandara subsequently appealed the decision, and the appeal was allowed in March 2022.

Following option exercise and acquisition of the various land parcels, Dandara started on site in Autumn 2023 and first homes being occupied in Summer 2024. Along with the development, Dandara are undertaking significant highway improvement works to Highgate Hill and to the centre crossroads, including the installation of a new adaptative 4-way traffic light system. Additionally, S106 contributions for this development are c.£800k, helping to fund a range of community infrastructure services.