Dandara Workers Receive Mental Health Support at Onsite Event

Dandara recently welcomed a team from the Lighthouse Club to provide mental health support and resources to workers at its Saxon Park development, forming part of its ongoing partnership with the charity. 

With an average of two construction workers taking their life each day*, mental health issues in the construction sector are hugely pressing. The Lighthouse Club works to bring awareness to this issue as the only charity in the UK dedicated to the emotional, physical and financial wellbeing of construction workers and their families. Through its 24/7 helpline and events like ‘Toolbox Talk’, the organisation provides free and confidential support for those in the industry. 

The event hosted at Saxon Park offered a session centred on the importance of mental health and provided steps to promote wellbeing at work. Members of the Lighthouse Club Charity were also on hand for employees to speak with, providing a safe space to have confidential conversations. At the end of the event, the charity handed out bags with resources and freebies.

Ashley Ridgway, Senior Site Manager at Saxon Park, commented: “In the construction industry, it can be all too easy to ignore the impact of poor mental health. Often, the default is to avoid it or pretend like everything is okay, so the topic has become largely taboo. I’m sure many of us in the industry have experienced it ourselves or watched it affect our co-workers, which is why I’m thankful to the Lighthouse Club Charity for creating a safe space where we can have these difficult conversations.

“I think the event provided good resources and tools we can use to approach these issues, foster a healthy workplace and ask for help if we need it.”

If you need support and would like to speak to someone today, please call the Lighthouse Club Charity’s helpline at 0345 605 1956.

To find out more about the Lighthouse Club Charity and the vital support they offer to construction workers across the UK, please visit https://www.lighthouseclub.org.

*https://www.britsafe.org/safety-management/2023/mental-health-in-construction-building-the-next-storey#:~:text=Suicide%20rates%20have%20also%20increase d,per%20100%2C000%20seven%20years%20ago.

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