Top Tips to keep your pets safe and sound this Guy Fawkes season.
45% of dogs in the UK are frightened by fireworks, is yours one of them? With family gatherings and organised events back on after last year’s restrictions, there’s likely to be a few more colourful skies and loud noises to watch out for. So, whether you have plans to watch fireworks at home or at an organised event, it’s important to make sure your pets are well looked after.
Dogs can hear four times the distance and hear higher pitched sounds than humans at a frequency of range of 67-45,000 Hz, that’s high and loud! It’s no wonder some are scared. Although it doesn’t have to be that way.
Follow some trusted tips to help from the
RSPCA: If in doubt always speak to your vet who, if needed, will be able to refer you to a professional animal behaviourist.
The Animal Poison Line get a lot of calls at this time of year involving cats and dogs who have mistaken fireworks (including sparklers) and glow sticks as a tasty snack! Be sure to clean up firework debris promptly to avoid temptation for the more curious pets.
A burning sparkler has a temperature similar to a welding torch so beware of burns to the mouth or skin if your dog or cat chews or touches it. Glowsticks are also popular around the bonfire and the plastic tubing contains chemicals which are an irritant. Surprisingly these aren’t too toxic to pets and they also taste bitter, so your dog or cat is unlikely to want to eat a large amount. They may froth around the mouth and vomit for a few minutes if they have had a chew on them. If this happens offer them a tasty treat and some water to take the nasty taste away.
Don’t forget the small animals.
If your pets live outside, partly cover cages, pens, and aviaries with blankets so that one area is well sound-proofed. Make sure that your pets are still able to look out. Provide lots of extra bedding so your pets have something to burrow in. Consider bringing them indoors for Guy Fawkes night, this should be done gradually so not to shock them.
If you’re planning an event at home this year look for low noise fireworks that will cause less stress to neighbour’s pets and be sure to give neighbours ample notice so they can prepare any animals they look after, including horses and livestock kept in nearby fields or buildings.
However, you’re celebrating this year we wish you and your pets a fun and safe Guy Fawkes night.